Great Places in California

2019 Great Places in California

Nomination Form

The 2019 Great Places in California nomination period is now open! The California Chapter will accept nominations until Friday, April 19, 2019, after which the nomination period will close. What is a “Great Place in California?” A Great Place can range from coastal communities to the mountains and can be within a large urbanized area or a rural setting. A Great Place should exemplify the following characteristics:

  • A Great Place is memorable to the community and individuals that use the space.
  • A Great Place contributes to the vibrancy and/or livability of a community.
  • A Great Place contributes to a resident’s day-to-day quality of living, encouraging human contact and social activities.
  • A Great Place incorporates a multi-modal transportation framework, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit, and vehicles.
  • A Great Place has a visually interesting design and architectural features and it may also be historic.
  • A Great Place should include a sustainable design and practices.
  • A Great Place is a safe environment that is welcoming for all.
  • A Great Place should be unique or have an inherent special character, such as being a reflection of local culture or history.
  • A Great Place incorporates natural features, such as waterways, trails, and open space areas.

To nominate a Great Place, provide a written narrative describing how the Great Place meets the characteristics. Provide any relevant details, such as area context, transformative process, preservation efforts, and outcomes. Provide a brief history and timeline of the area. Provide a minimum of five (5) pictures in jpg format that capture the Great Place.

For questions related to the Great Places in California awards program or nomination process, please contact the program coordinator, John Hildebrand – [email protected] (951) 955-1888.

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If you are returning to edit or complete a previous submission, please fill out the email address and access code you set up previously and click Edit Existing Submission Form.

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