2016 Position Letters


Governor’s By Right Budget Trailer Bill (Support if Amended)

AB 1934 (Oppose) AB 1934 would require a city or county to grant to a commercial developer a density bonus when an applicant for commercial development agrees to partner with an affordable housing developer to construct a mixed-used project with the housing located in the commercial development or within a one-mile radius of the commercial development.

AB 2087 (Support) AB 2087 will help implement the recently adopted State Wildlife Action Plan strategies for protecting biodiversity. The bill would also provide for faster and more cost-effective delivery of public works projects, and for effective mitigation on projects in advance of adverse effects to protect the state’s biodiversity.

AB 2208 (Support if Amended) AB 2208 would expand the Housing Element inventory of land suitable for residential development to include buildings owned or under the control of a city or a county, zoned for residential or nonresidential use and capable of having residential developments constructed above the existing building, and underutilized sites.

AB 2299 (Signature Request)  AB 2299 would require a local agency to provide by ordinance for the creation of second units in single-family and multifamily residential zones. It would also prohibit the imposition of additional parking for a second unit that is located within one-half mile of public transit or shopping or is within an architecturally and historically significant district.

AB 2319 (Support) AB 2319 would require a local agency to provide by ordinance for the creation of second units in single-family and multifamily residential zones. It would also prohibit the imposition of additional parking for a second unit that is located within one-half mile of public transit or shopping or is within an architecturally and historically significant district.

AB 2475 (Support) AB 2475 would establish within the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank the Local Government Affordable Housing Forgivable Loan Program, and require the bank to make loans to a local government for the development of affordable housing by the local government on terms and conditions the bank deems in the best interests of the state

AB 2501 (Opposition Removed) The American Planning Association, California Chapter (APA California) is removing its opposition to AB 2501 (Bloom) after reaching agreement with the author and sponsors on amendments. This bill adds another major round of changes to the Density Bonus law.

AB 2522 (Support) This is APA California’s sponsored legislation that would require by right approval by cities and counties of certain market-rate multifamily rental housing projects that include at least 20% low-income housing or 100% moderate-income housing.

AB 2556 (Support) AB 2556 will clarify the definition of “replace”, as it was defined in the Density Bonus statute in AB 2222, which was signed into law in 2014. AB 2556 clarifies that for units subject to rent control that is currently occupied by persons or families above lower income, the local government may require that the replacement units either be made affordable to low-income households or replaced in compliance with the jurisdiction’s rent control ordinance.

AB 2734 (Support) AB 2734 bill would require the Department of Finance to calculate the savings to the state attributable to the elimination of redevelopment agencies and provide 50% of that amount to HCD to provide funding to local agencies for housing.

AB 2788 (Oppose) AB 2788 would preclude local discretionary review of specified “small cell” wireless antennas and related equipment, regardless of whether they will be collocated on existing structures or located on new “poles, structures, or non-pole structures,” including those within the public road right-of-way and on buildings. The bill shuts out the public from the permitting process and preempts adopted local land use plans by mandating that “small cells” be allowed in all zones as a use by-right and requiring that the installation of “small cells” shall only require the issuance of a building permit or other administrative permit.


SB 313 (Support) SB 313 will require school districts to notify a local jurisdiction 30 days before a vote to make a zoning ordinance inapplicable to a proposed school site.

SB 1000 (Support if Amended) SB 1000 would add a new Environmental Justice Element to the already existing seven elements in the General Plan law. The bill would require that the new element identify disadvantaged communities within the jurisdiction and objectives and policies to reduce health risks.

SB 1069 (Veto Request)

SB 1277 (Oppose) SB 1277 would, before approving a project necessary for and directly related to the use of a specific bulk cargo terminal in the City of Oakland for the shipment of coal, require public agencies with discretionary authority over the project to prepare a supplemental EIR to consider and mitigate environmental impacts of coal shipments through the terminal.